Thursday 15 October 2015

Twitter Experience

Possible Hashtags
Today I wish to share with you my experience promoting @Student_Sejours on Twitter! 

I began my twitter experience the way all of the twitter users do, with my very first tweet introducing me to the world of 140 characters.

Racking up list of possible hashtags, mainly #StudyingAbroad and #CollegeAbroad, I set out on my journey to promote my blog by extensive use of this platform. I made the choice to use those hashtags as they were directly linked to my topic and there was a good amount of posts bundled up by those specific keywords.

Feeling very enthusiastic about this project I followed others who have similar interest as mine, such people studying abroad, people setting out to share a little college humour and many travel accounts. I also decided to follow those who had no direct links to my topic, such as celebrities, news agencies and several others just to be updated on key issues that could be related to my topic later.

Using twitter to promote my own blogposts was quite fun, though  the 140 characters restriction proved to be quite impeding. It was only after a few hours of drafting several possible tweets, editing and re-editing, that a suitable tweet could be constructed. However, no retweets or responses were generated for my tweets. This could have been from the lack of hashtags at the beginning of the experience to bring people to my tweets. Yet, people kept following @Student_Sejours, with at least three followers per day, something which kept my hopes up for future interactions.

My First Tweet #Studying_Abroad

Promoting my post

Retweeting was another enjoyable part about my Twitter experience as it allowed me in some way to enter conversations on the platform even if discussions did not strike up on my own retweets. I did notice however, that when I retweeted content not directly link to my topics, this action was reciprocated by the author of the tweet.  

Retweeting a Funny Post
Retweeting an Informational Post

Overall, I would say my Twitter Experience was an interesting one though I could not generate much interaction around my posts. It allowed me to experience the exchange of information on this platform and to participate to some extent in the discussions reinforcing the participatory aspect of social networking sites, in that I could share and amend contents. Also, this experience has allowed me to be aware of others who are interested in the same topics as mine.

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