Monday 2 November 2015

My Halloween - Baking and Twilight

It's been a while since I've stepped into the kitchen for something more than just a glass of water, being busy with so many assignments. And just being lazy overall. I'm ashamed to say that I haven't prepared a proper meal for a few weeks now. I know! I am definitely not practicing what I preached! But I did whip up a few sandwiches. Who knew there were so many ways you could make a sandwich?  I now have enough recipes in my repertoire to make a YouTube channel. 

This weekend was the time to climb out of this sink hole of avoiding the kitchen! Mind you it was not one of those 'wake up call moments' whereby you feel inspired, you know,  there's like this super bright light that gives you hope. 
This moment was prompted by an attempt to revise for upcoming exams. I was getting into my pre-exam routine - Twilight marathon on repeat, completing final chapters left before the few weeks of isolation, and endless days under my cozy blanket. 

And, nobody watches Twilight without something awesome to nibble on while swooning at Robert Pattinson's accent - yep, you can still hear it.

Twilight always awakens the master-chef within me and it gives me an urge to bake! I unearthed all my cooking utensils, dusted them off and set out to find possible ingredients in my pantry to whip up something 'nice' - in inverted commas. No one ever knows how it will turn out!

Attempt 1 - Chocolate Lava Cake whilst Bella meets Edward for the first time.  

Chocolate 'Moist-Inside' Cake
I  saw this video on YouTube last week and what better way to start a Twilight/Revision marathon than with a volcano eruption! As it turns out, I had all the necessary ingredients for this recipe and damn was I excited; but there was soon to be a kink in the road. 

Once again the internet was down (someone was downloading, a story for another time) and I had to improvise much of the steps based upon my prior experience in the kitchen my most loved dad. I did manage to whip up a good batter - according to me and soon the cups were in the oven. 

Well, it wasn't the lack of internet that would spoil the recipe but rather my love for the movies. I kind of forgot about the cakes in the oven and left them in there for more than the maximum 10 mins. And of course, the volcano did not erupt! Sad face. I wanted Pompeii! But really, who cares? The inside was still moist and the taste was exquisite. Don't you dare say that 'self praise is no praise'. I think everybody should give themselves some words of encouragement from time to time. 

Twilight and New Moon were enjoyed with a smooth Chocolate 'Moist Inside' Cake and the notes were completed with a very satisfied palette. 

Attempt 2 - Pumpkin Spice Cake - Bella marries Edward and sails off to their happily ever after 

Pumpkin Spice. It's everywhere! It's all you hear about these days online, and it's always accompanied by Starbucks. 

The magic ingredients
I was deep into the 'Hallow's Eve' mood this weekend and I wanted a little pumpkin spice of my own. I commemorated this usually eerie night (cue creepy music) with a Pumpkin recipe. 
A little note to all you, I do not like pumpkins! Like not at all. But I decided to embrace this festive mood anyway.

Unlike last year, where we had this really huge Halloween Party which consisted of a lot of dancing and really cool music from Seychelles that we don't hear everyday, I decided to stay home with my Twilight.
About that, my copy of Eclipse was not playing! Think it got corrupted in some way and as much as it pained me, I had to skip to  the wedding missing all the Jacob drama. 

End result!
Well, that doesn't really matter. The cake turned out alright and seeing Edward and Bella fight for their love made my Hallow's Eve. A nice way to spend this usually scary night, don't you think? With some not-so terrifying monsters and fresh baked goodies. 

I hope your Halloween was as scrumptious as mine!

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