Sunday 27 September 2015

Extra Read: Staying Healthy During your Sejours

Every few days, I take a stroll through the lifestyle sections of various magazines online, keeping up with little things happening in various areas of the world. Or they just pop up in my news feed on Facebook.

This week  I came upon an intriguing article about 10 Ways to Stay Well-Rested, Well-Fed, and Totally Sane at College that I thought I'd share with you.

It particularly caught my eye because more often than not there are times that I completely forget about my health as I sometimes have more important things to focus on. I'm sure many of you do as well.

As I read the first point I was reminded of my first holiday back home. I was watching Tinkerbell with my niece when my mum halted by the sofa on her way to the kitchen. Giving me that look she has when she's mulling something over, she said, "Don't you drink water?"
It is Important to Eat Healthy
It had become such a habit for me to be engrossed in whatever I was doing, that I'd forget to eat or drink.

I like that I came across this article around this hectic time during the semester when many of us would be tempted to neglect our health, focusing primarily on our studies. 

There are times when I would literally forget that I have to eat! You must be asking yourself, "How is that even possible?" Believe me I've asked myself that question several times before. Alas, it happens. When I did remember, I was often too busy, had lost my appetite or was just too tired to cook.

Cool Snacks to Refuel
However, I would occasionally get a little boost to get back on the health wagon, which I hope this article will be for you as, staying well-rested, fed and happy is very important when you're studying abroad.

And you can always try this list of  cool snack ideas that I'm sure you'll enjoy making and look forward to try, to give you that extra boost in a really healthy way.

Also, you can even resolve to pack your own lunch, in the right way, so that you that you stop eating the mayo/margarine filled sandwiches for lunch at school and after a while you won't forget to eat as you'll have a cool meal you prepared in your bag.


  1. Excellent idea to share this article, students sometimes neglect their health especially during peak times in their studies. However it is crucial to take care of your body and therefore eat healthy in order to be more productive in your studies!

    1. Oh yes. I fear that this is an issue that many face. And like I've said, I also faced it and I'm sometimes tempted to fall back into this bad habit because it's easier to neglect your health than your studies. I hope the article will help them to get back on track, cause yes, a healthy body and mind is crucial for those good grades.
